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Deworming treatment consists in administering an antiparasitic drug to your pet to eliminate different types of parasites that may be found in the intestinal tract. Dewormers do not prevent your pet from catching worms, but they do eliminate them and make it impossible for them to develop and reproduce. Your veterinarian will be able to give you advice about the frequency of treatment based on your pet’s age and lifestyle.

How could my pet catch intestinal worms?

If your pet goes outdoors, they run the risk of ingesting different types of intestinal worms. This usually happens when your pet eats a small, infected animal or insect such as a flea, mouse, bird, etc. Soil containing feces, which your pet might eat or lick off their fur, is also a potential source of contamination.

What symptoms are associated with intestinal worms?

It is not unusual for intestinal worms to go unnoticed. At a more advanced stage, when the infestation has grown, you may notice digestive problems like diarrhea, blood or worms in the stool, vomiting or weight loss. In all cases, a fecal exam performed by your veterinarian will confirm the diagnosis and appropriate treatment to follow.

Are intestinal worms dangerous for my pet or for me?

Intestinal worms can severely impede the growth of puppies and kittens. For all animals, the resulting digestive problems can negatively affect their quality of life, in addition to causing complications. Without effective treatment, the symptoms will only get worse. Some types of intestinal worms are transmissible to humans. To avoid this, wash your hands regularly after coming into contact with your pet or picking up after them.